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YOU are the biggest danger to your kids

I love taking my kid to Parkour classes. A couple times a week we head out together and I stay at the gym with him. Often, I will work out alongside to help him with his skillsets. At other times, I simply sit and watch.

Today was a ‘sit and watch’ day. While sitting I noticed the other parents and how much they pay attention to their kids and what they are doing. The bottom line… they don’t. Most sat there on their phones and laptops and tablets.

Oblivious to the world around them.

Not only that, most of them are not in good enough physical condition to protect their kids in public. This bothered me a great deal… but that is a topic for another day.

When others ask me why I am passionate about security, both physical and digital / online, my answer is simple. As a man, a father… as a parent, it’s my job to protect my family and loved ones from danger at all times.

If you are a parent… That is your primary function.

Will we be able to avoid all danger and prevent all tragedy? No, we will not, but this does not mean we shouldn’t be vigilant and mindful of the world around us.

What does it tell your child if, while together in public, you spend all your time on your phone, on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter etc.?

I might suggest that it teaches them that not paying attention to the world around them is safe. In today’s world that’s just not true. In fact, it never has been.

I will assume that you would prefer they stayed engaged and aware in order to avoid dangerous situations. If that is the case, then my challenge to you is to engage with the world yourself. Pay attention to what is going on around you. They will follow your lead.

If you don’t, not only are you ignoring your child, you may be putting them in danger… And not even noticing it.

So let’s step up. Let’s be vigilant and attentive… That is our role; the everyday security of ourselves, our families and ultimately, all those around us.

Adopt the motto – “This we’ll defend” and then defend it.

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