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HU1 Opsec | Human First Operational Security

Human First Operational Security (HU1 Opsec) was created as a concept after several decades of experience in the networking space, in the product development space for technology and in security and disaster recovery operations for major corporations around the world.


It is based upon what I have learned over time and in my experience in working with individuals and consulting clients and across varying technologies as they have changed over the past several decades.


There were two primary learnings -


First - Technology consistently changes.


An escalation in the ability of hackers, advanced persistent threats or other people trying to steal your information or your identity is matched by a technological advance on the side of those trying to protect that information. It escalates over and over and over and is a repetitive process that never ends.


Second - People do not change.


Once we have the base understanding that it’s people that use the technology, it’s people that write the software, it’s people that utilize those services in their day to day businesses and business processes, we then understand it’s their decisions and how they make their decisions, what they’re aware of and what they’re not aware of, that really makes the biggest difference in information security.




Hence, for improvement sake, the focus needs to be on the human first.


What does this mean?


It means that we must recognize the direct link between an individual's personal level of understanding and implementation of security and the security of our families, small businesses and corporations. 


This requires a shift in focus from being technology dependent for protection and safety to one that actively seeks to improve our security through changing personal habits. 


As a result, Decision Point's products and consulting focus on providing awareness and solutions at a personal level that transfer into skills on the job; providing increased security across the board.



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