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DECISION POINT's - Get Secure or Get Hacked

So what are we trying to accomplish here?


What this is really about is changing the conversation for information security and putting responsibility for that security into the hands of empowered individuals rather than ‘someone else’.


Let’s face it. Security, particularly information security, isn’t considered a very sexy topic to talk about. Most of the time, it’s handled via corporate conferences. You sit down for hours and hours while ‘they’, whoever ‘they’ are, lecture at you.


In the end, you may or may not get any information that tells you what you ought to go do right now to make your situation better for yourself, your small business, or the corporation that you work for. You may or may not learn how to protect your family or your clients, keep their information secure, keep your own information secure, or keep yourself safe.


This book changes that paradigm.


I’m a firm believer that if we can make terrible decisions regarding our online or physical security in milliseconds, then certainly we can spend a little time each day talking about topics that will allow you to make improvements in your security sooner rather than later.


There is no need to invest thousands of dollars, no need to spend hours and hours of time traveling around, listening to people lecture at you or researching online. This book is going to, in an accessible way, bring security consulting directly to you.


We’re going to cover things like behavioral security. We’re going to cover things like phishing. We’re going to ask you to take a look at your personal and business processes and answer some really tough questions.


We are going to keep it simple. We are going to keep it short. We are going to give you actionable items that you can do something with right away.


Starting right NOW…

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